Ever since I was a little girl I always remember seeing the gifts in other people. Their uniqueness and divine spirit was so obvious to me it’s been my life’s work to uncover, read and understand people on a deep level.

Whether in the early days in sales, recruitment, career development or my studies in communications, positive psychology, coaching, counselling and various energy healing modalities my motivation was always to help others see their own gifts and bring them to life to activate their purpose and potential.

Because I know you are here for reason (many actually) and you were born to realise the difference you can make.



Inside you is the key to living a life that fulfils you!

Hey there soul seekers,

My name is Jessica, which really stands for energy-loving, spiritual warrior, playful spirited, mystic coach, empowering healer, passionista and Mother to my drama -bent, magical daughter Abbey and wife to my husband Scott.

I’m a Scorpio which also tells you I’m deep no surface level chit-chat, at times super-emotional and have extremely inquisitive super powers which is a blessing when it comes to encouraging and helping my clients see the best in themselves and who they truly are.

My soul awakening began in 2010, like a wrecking ball months after getting married still in the glow of being a newly-wed, at the happiest time of my life with a sudden unexplained health issue that flipped my world.  In one inhale of breath was everything I knew about myself and the world around me and in the exhale,I stopped being able to swallow!

Nothing was the same, rocked to the core. Water was even a struggle.

Traditional methods of medical treatment didn’t provide the support or answers I was looking for. I was a complete mystery. I was forced to go on a long journey to discover the answers for myself. Lucky I love a mystery!

However, it took me going through extremely dark territory, without a map, of overwhelming emotions, anxiety, depression, helplessness, hopelessness and feeling completely confused and lost in who I was and what I was doing here. I Isolated myself, no longer socialised because who would really understand me- I felt so alone.


But there was an enduring light that peeked through that knew I was meant to be here, that I had a purpose. I without a doubt know that for you too.

I became the healer that I was seeking. It was my full-time job, there was no other way – it was something I had to battle breakfast, lunch and tea.

What I discovered in the process was my heart and soul. My soul purpose and the difference I can make.

As a Heart and Soul Alchemist, I would never believe I would feel this way but I am great-full for my lived experience, my soul awakening experience, especially the hard times as it puts me right in your shoes. I have a deep understanding of the emotions and the roller coaster of life when you feel lost, confused and searching for purpose after unexpected events happen, life feels directionless and you wonder who you are.

I would love to empower you, guide you to clarity, personal power and purpose. Because I know you were born for this.