What is your purpose?
It’s one of those questions that never seems to be fully quenched until you are satisfied with the answer at a soul level. Knowing your purpose gives your days direction and meaning. It means you are not only thinking of your impact today but the impact you will have on the future. What you will leave behind!
Meaning becomes even more important to you as a passion seeking entrepreneur, who has left the conventional way of work to carve out your own path of making a difference and being of service. The direction your purpose takes you in ultimately steers the focus of your business and the structure of your meaningful service.
Then what’s the difference between purpose and mission and why is it even important to know?
Your purpose is the same as many,your mission is unique!
Think of your purpose as the ultimate vision and your mission as the unique way you are going to bring it into reality.
Purpose is the overarching vision that you are driven and motivated by, that is so deep in your heart. Any words that go against it angers you and anything that is for it, makes your heart sing. It’s that niggling feeling, that won’t stop, when you are not living in alignment to its direction.
From now on think of your purpose as a collective purpose. One vision sought by many in the world, guided by the collective intelligence of the universe.
Imagine the universe as a team captain, and he/she has many things he wants to change about the world that will change the world for the better, for future generations, and you are part of that change crew. He/she divides some on team “speak your truth” some on “ be authentic” and some on “ love your work”, insert your purpose here [ ]! These are the big visions, the big changes he/she wants to see.
You are the ambassador for your unique mission.
Now think of your mission as the strategic goals needed to achieve it. Your part to play in fulfilling the overall vision. Now each of his/her crew of millions, you being one, comes with their own talents, abilities, resources, gifts and passions, that combine to create their own way of achieving the vision your crew have been assigned to and reaching the millions with the millions of differents messages and ways to get through.
Now that’s intelligence. Collective intelligence.
It is refined out of your personal story and every interaction, interest, pain and joy you have experienced. It is a lot more specific than your purpose, as it carries the blueprint, the knowledge, the means, the gifts and deeply entrenched fuel of emotion readying you for action in being part of the change you are here fore. Once you get your head around this you have so much more freedom to be unique and apart of the change crew you were meant to be.
Your mission becomes part of the story of your business that the people you are meant to serve relates to, that are drawn to you. It helps form the message, your catchcry for your mission.
The beautiful intersection your gifts, passion and purpose, that brings out the best in you whilst making a difference by serving in the best way you can. What I call a STAR aligned business.
Do you feel like your business is aligned to your gifts, passion and purpose?