5 key things to figure out before you start your first your passion based business.


been racking your brain for days, going around in circles on what business to start.


Your passions- Its really important to figure out what your passions are. Your escaping the 9-5 rat race for a reason right? You don’t want to be doing something that barely registers on your excitement radar. and  Building is not always easy and somedays you will still want to pull your hair out, shout at your colleagues and dare i say it QUIT.  So lets make sure you are starting up something that you have a lot of love for. What gets you excited, that you can talk about, write about it, assist others with it daily and you feel that fire within.


Your skills- What skills have you collected over a lifetime. Take an inventory of all the skills you have gained including skills from education, employment, voluntary work and the various hats you have put on in your lifetime, Mother, Sister, Carer. Its really important here to look at skills you enjoy using. Just because you have experience with certain skills doesn’t mean you have to make them the focus of your business.


Your Why- This is the ultimate purpose of your business. It will form the basis of of your message, help get you up when it all feels like too much? As someone who wants more meaning in business. Its important to figure out what that overarching driving force is? Ask your self “ What does my work do for future generations?


Your values- Values are super important guiding posts in our lives. It’s whats most important to you. They encompass your beliefs, your sense of right and wrong. If your business goes against your values or stops you from achieving values that are more important to you. No matter how successful your business is, you will be unhappy.


The way you do it- This is all about the delivery of your services and how you interact with your clients. Aligning the way you work with clients, allows you to bring the best of yourself to your clients.


Your workstyles- Now that you can design your business anyway you like. It’s important to put take into account your personality, how you re-energise and your preferred learning style to allow you to show up in full strength.