It’s almost like a rite of passage when we reach a point in our lives where our career is no longer a means of material gain but a deeper realisation of meaning that the inevitable purpose hunt begins.

Oh boy have I been there. I have long looked for my purpose, who am i, what i am i meant to achieve, what will bring the most impact to others in this world? How will i make a difference? I have done every Myer Briggs, archetype,fascination and personality quizz out there in the search of understanding who i was and subsequently where my talents might fit in the world.   I have followed the dark and i have followed the light.

I’ve had tarot readings, and psychic sessions all hoping they would contain the secret key that would unlock my purpose and what I was meant to share and do in this world.

And I’ve discovered the number 1 reason why finding your purpose is a thing of the past. Literally!

I’m not saying don’t search for meaning in your life, but the current way of defining our purpose before we have lived it is an oxymoron that too many (including me) get caught on.

But here’s the problem with this backwards concept by  following your purpose or defining your purpose today you shut out all other possibilities as you focus on one goal, one intent with tunnel vision.

Let’s ponder this a little deeper.

So let’s imagine for a minute you are 10 years old and you make a pact with yourself that your purpose for the rest of your life is to make designer clothes for homeless people, affected by an experience you had in your childhood. A wonderful and charitable act. But would you really expect this 10 yr old to live her life defined to this one promise of a good deed for the rest of her life excluding all other possibilities that come her way?

No! You can’t expect that child to live up to her promise as pure as her intentions were, as much as you can’t expect yourself to live up to promise, a pact of what your purpose is now, and continue that for the rest of your life.

Why you ask? Because you still have lots of years ahead of you. Our reason for being on earth is to evolve,shift and transform













Our human nature is to evolve, shift and transform

That’s why it doesn’t work.

Purpose in itself is a destination, a final goal if you will. Deciding your purpose now at the ripe age of ( insert your age here) would be setting your destination for one possibility in a sea of thousands and importantly excluding all others.

So any information, thoughts, passion or interests that arises that does not fit your current purpose statement will be excluded, as your awareness radar will not let it in. It is limiting the possibilities of your future and your potential.

Instead of that contracted energy defining the trajectory of the rest of your days. You can tap into passion

The energy of passion which by its very nature creates, grows and expands

By following your passion you will ultimately live your purpose. Choosing passion rather than purpose however allows you to play, explore, connect. You have total permission to grow and expand in your passion as it shifts or moves to new depths without restriction.

Passion flows where your energy goes. Your passion combination is unique and the world deserves all of it. You deserve to express all of it, without squeezing that powerful life force energy through a narrowed funnel end.

Your meaningful impact is meant to be unique and it’s the intersection of all your passions combined that makes what you bring to this world unique. The filter in which you view the world that will bring that uniqueness to life.

Your passions are your gifts to this world and the shape they take are divinely in the making. So you want to look for an avenue, a career, a business style, a lifestyle that allows you to bring all your past and future passions together, because that unique fusion will be your gift to the world.

Join us on our Facebook page Passionistas Playground for support in bringing all your passions to life