If your anything like me the whole ” ideal client” ” dream client’ avatar never made sense to me and from what I see so often with my clients and other people it’s frusterating and sticking a point for a lot of businesses getting started. Figuring out your dream clients age, gender, income, demographic, interests etc. Sure I could always see the logic in it. Working out the details of your perfect client, their problems and selling them what they want, equals money in the bank or so it seems. However this just never quite gelled with me. It somehow seemed so manufactured. When you’re building a passion and authentic based business that just feels totally icky and somewhat manipulative.

How do you discover your ideal client from a place of passion and purpose that it all becomes clear who you really want to serve?

They are generally staring at you straight back in the mirror everyday. Yes that’s right your beautiful face etched with traces of life’s trials and celebrations, is your ideal client. Maybe not physically, but what I see over and over with my clients is that we are generally drawn to helping people go through our own previous struggles, making it easier and less painful to travel the same road. This is common place, especially in passion and service based businesses. There is purpose in pain and it can drive your greatest passions.

The greatest thing about realising you are your ideal client at your time of need or struggle is being able to intimately understand them and build your business to support and help your ideal clients.

For example my business is based on watching my mother drag herself to her job day in day out exhausting herself in a soul sucking job. Mixed with my experience of impersonal career counselling based on exhaustive multiple choice tests and broad responses.

What I most wanted at that point in time was someone to really listen to my dreams and desires, discuss my skills and passions and genuinely give compassion and care about the life changing decisions I felt I was making. Then helping me map out a plan of action to follow and charge forward with confidence.

Instead the cold and methodical approach as another personality statistic left me confused, alone and questioning why I felt so disconnected to the answers that were spat out on my tests. Did I even know myself if this is what the results say I am meant to be?

These two experiences drive my business today. One where I am an advocate for people working in jobs and careers they love that energises rather than drains their souls and two my warm, genuine approach that focusses on the client as a unique combination of gifts and unearths the beautiful stories that bought them to build their biz. These stories are nothing short of awesome, incredible and inspiring and so is yours.

Now its your turn

What struggle in your own life does your business help others travel less painfully?

Reflect on that time in your life.

How old were you?

What did you fear at the time?

What did you want at the time?
How did you feel at the time?

What problem/s were you facing?

What would of motivated you?

What was most important you?


There in lies the profile of your ideal client!

Is your business born out of a past struggle?

Lets hear about it in the comments below and help inspire others to turn their pain into purpose.