As an entrepreneur starting out it’s so easy to get caught up in doing the RIGHT thing to achieve the success of those that come before us. Spending on courses, signing up to list after list, desperately hoping their opt in will provide the answer that will fling open the door to success, stop the self-doubt and finally propel you forward in your business.

Business models are great, they save time and set the how to for success. Here is the thing though, when you are building your own business based on YOUR passion and purpose, the model may not fit. The combination may not open your treasure chest.

If we buy into the idea that we are unique and there is no better proof than the fingerprints that stain our very presence. A model or set of how to’s based on someone else’s success just doesn’t make sense. It’s our unique model of success that will unlock the key to our own success.

This is a really hard pill to swallow not only in a world of quick fixes and instant gratification but because if you’re like me and have typical type A personality that strives for perfection in everything you do. It’s not an easy task to throw away the rule book that following so far has left a trail of your greatest successes so far.

The one thing to remember is there is no rule book when it comes to building your own business. Scary as that sounds, I know. Sure there is the model of someone else’s success but that is not YOU. People gain successes in so many different ways and it is only in hindsight create their method for success. Google anything and you will get opposing opinions and methods for what will work on the same topic.

So how do you find what’s going to work for you?

You follow what feels right for you. The path of least resistance that embraces your natural strengths and talents and falls in harmony with what is going to work in your life style right now.

If it feels right to blog 3 times a week, do it!

If it feels right to pump it out daily. Do it!

The problem with following someone elses “guide to success” is it dims your own light and drowns out the sounds of your owns heart’s desire and really what you love doing and will propel you to your greatest success.

Now, I’m not saying don’t listen to the experts advice and their methods are not valuable but before you launch head first into yet another how to in a step by step fashion eager to tick all the boxes. Check with yourself if what is being said feels right to you and is heading towards your definition of success.

Questions to ask yourself before following their advice and see if the expert advice matches truly what will work for you.

  • Is their success truly what I am aiming for? If 6 figures is really your ultimate goal, then great! But if following your passion means more. It might be worth investing more time in listening to your heart and what you’re drawn to than anyone elses muse.
  • Is what the expert guru really proposing going to work for your life style? If someone is telling you to work everyday of the week and you barely managing 5. Sure making 3 connections a day works for some people but do you have the time and energy to do that everyday? Or could you go to a social event once a month, make several really deep connections that end up leading to long term referal partners that bring more business than anything.
  • Is it how you want and enjoy helping your clients. Do you want to spend time building rapport with them in person or online in longer sessions over a short period covering a specific problem or topic or would you prefer to spend time over 6 months going deeper and following and supporting the transformation of a longer journey.

Clients will and do pay for both.

Throw away that rule book that is still controlling you.

There is no “shoulds” on your path to success. Only the inspiration of the coulds that you can tell in hindsight!

Are you still stuck following some rules in your business that don’t quite feel right for you?

Or have successfully ditched the entrepreneurial rule book?

Let me know in the comments below and inspire others to throw away the rule book.